How Home Renovations Influence Your Insurance Premiums

September 29, 2023
2 mins read

When homeowners decide to renovate, it could be for additional space, a fresh look, or even to add amenities like a pool. Regardless of the motive, it’s essential to understand how these changes might affect home insurance. Some alterations might necessitate tweaking your insurance, while others could provide savings. Here’s a dive into seven common home renovations and their implications for your insurance.

Renovations Potentially Upping Your Insurance Costs

Particular home renovations can raise your home’s worth. While this is excellent news, it might also bump up your insurance rates due to the enhanced coverage or increased liability they introduce.

1. Swimming Pool Installation: 

While pools can elevate your property’s appeal, they come with increased liability termed “attractive nuisance.” This surge in risk can amplify your insurance premiums. Most standard insurance policies offer liability coverage, but pool owners might need an enhanced coverage level. Other considerations include added safety measures like a locking fence or pool cover. Pools with diving boards or slides might attract even higher premiums due to increased hazards.

2. Home Office Addition:

The rise of remote work means home offices can boost property value. However, this can also elevate insurance rates, especially if business assets need coverage. Existing homeowners’ policies might offer limited coverage for home businesses, prompting the need for additional endorsements or even separate business insurance policies.

3. Home Extensions:

Adding space, like finishing a basement or constructing an additional room, will likely increase insurance premiums since more coverage will be needed. External additions, like a deck, might also call for an insurance reevaluation. Always discuss potential changes with your insurer before starting work.

4. Kitchen or Bathroom Upgrades: 

High-quality improvements, such as granite countertops or custom cabinets, can increase your home’s value and, consequently, its insurance premium. Ensure your insurance matches the upgraded materials and assets to avoid out-of-pocket costs after potential damages.

Renovations That Could Reduce Insurance Rates

Making your home safer or upgrading specific systems might lead to insurance discounts.

1. Roof Replacement: 

A new, durable roof can often reduce insurance premiums, especially if the roofing materials are robust against common regional threats like hurricanes or hail.

2. Wiring or Plumbing Upgrades: 

Modernizing old or outdated systems can decrease risks like fires or water damage, potentially leading to insurance savings.

3. Security and Safety Installations: 

Alarm systems, sprinklers, and other security upgrades can merit insurance discounts, with the savings varying based on the system’s complexity and coverage.

Reevaluating Insurance After Renovations:

If you’re renovating, assessing whether your current insurance suffices is crucial. A home’s insurance rate often reflects its characteristics, age, and square footage. If renovations alter these aspects, consider adjusting your coverage. This ensures that your upgrades won’t go unprotected if an unfortunate event strikes.

Ensuring During the Renovation Phase:

When renovating, it might be worthwhile to explore additional coverage options:

– Builders Risk Insurance: This covers materials destined for your renovation, whether at your site or in transit. This insurance should cover the costs if these materials get damaged or stolen.

Always communicate with your insurer before, during, and after renovations to ensure adequate coverage and avoid potential pitfalls.

Home renovations are exciting, allowing homeowners to breathe new life into their spaces. However, while focusing on designs, materials, and aesthetics, it’s crucial not to overlook the financial implications, especially concerning insurance. As you transform your home, ensure your insurance coverage evolves with it. Keeping open communication with your insurance provider can guarantee that your revamped home remains protected, letting you enjoy your renewed space with peace of mind.

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