Garry Conille Vows Unity as Haiti’s New Prime Minister

May 30, 2024

Haiti’s newly appointed Prime Minister, Garry Conille, has pledged to unite the nation amid its severe crisis. Conille, chosen by a transitional council, steps into his role with a focus on steering Haiti toward stability and peace despite the overwhelming control of gangs in the capital.

A Promise of Unity and Hope

In his first statement after the appointment, Conille expressed his gratitude to the diverse groups supporting his candidacy. “Together, we will work for a better tomorrow for all our nation’s children,” Conille declared on X, addressing the Haitian people in their native Creole. His commitment to unity comes at a crucial time for Haiti, a country grappling with immense challenges.

A Leader with a Storied Past

Conille’s extensive public service and healthcare background makes him a seasoned leader for the role. He resigned as UNICEF’s regional director for Latin America and the Caribbean to accept the prime ministership, a position he had held since January 2023. Previously, Conille served as Haiti’s prime minister from 2011 to 2012 and was a key figure in post-earthquake reconstruction efforts.

Facing the Monumental Task Ahead

Haiti’s current turmoil is marked by gang violence that grips 80% of the capital, Port-au-Prince. The transitional government, led by Conille, awaits international support from a U.N.-backed police force from Kenya. With the presidency vacant since the assassination of Jovenel Moïse in 2021, Conille shares executive power and must address the power vacuum that has fueled the rise of gangs.

The Transitional Council’s Role

The transitional council appointing Conille will organize presidential elections by early 2026. Six out of seven council members voted for Conille, emphasizing their determination to combat insecurity and lead Haiti toward democratic elections. “The transitional presidential council renews its firm determination to do everything possible to stem the phenomenon of insecurity,” they stated.

Transition and International Support

Conille replaces interim Prime Minister Michel Patrick Boisvert, who faced a surge in gang violence during his tenure. Boisvert and other international leaders, including Kenyan President William Ruto, have congratulated and supported Conille. UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell also expressed her hopes for Conille’s success in restoring peace and stability to Haiti.

Challenges and Controversies

Conille’s appointment follows a controversial period within the council. Initially, a faction of the council selected former sports minister Fritz Bélizaire, causing internal disputes. Eventually, the council agreed to a transparent nomination process, resulting in Conille’s selection from a pool of undisclosed candidates. The council now faces forming a new Cabinet and appointing a provisional electoral commission.

Moving Forward

Garry Conille’s journey as Haiti’s prime minister is just beginning, with significant obstacles ahead. His leadership will be pivotal in unifying the nation, addressing gang violence, and steering Haiti toward democratic governance. The Haitian people and the international community watch closely, hoping for a path to peace and prosperity.

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