Russia Blocks UN Condemnation of North Korea’s Missile Activities

September 5, 2023
1 min read

Russia has obstructed a proposed UN Security Council statement condemning North Korea’s recent missile test by exercising its veto right.

The US-introduced statement aimed not only to criticize North Korea’s missile activities but also to urge them against further nuclear tests. To date, North Korea has carried out five nuclear tests, with speculations of a sixth test being imminent, as analysts recently signalled their test site is in a “ready” state. Instead of a nuclear test, North Korea launched a missile this past Sunday, which reportedly malfunctioned, eliciting further demands for the nation to halt its aggressive actions.

Despite the backing of the other 14 members of the Security Council, including China — North Korea’s most significant ally and a permanent council member — the statement failed to pass due to Russia’s veto. This isn’t the first instance of Russia using its veto against US-driven resolutions. Just last week, it vetoed a motion condemning a suspected Syrian chemical attack where dozens perished; during that vote, China chose to abstain.

Given the current dynamics, prospects of revisiting the statement on North Korea appear bleak. One diplomat expressed doubt over the Security Council’s ability to find common ground on the issue.

The upcoming week will see US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson presiding over a high-level UN meeting discussing the North Korean situation.

Haley: N. Korea Must Make the Next Move

US Ambassador Nikki Haley emphasized to UN correspondents that the responsibility lies with North Korea to prevent further complications. 

Her message to Pyongyang was clear, stressing that the US isn’t looking for confrontation. “We’re not seeking a confrontation, so they shouldn’t instigate one,” she asserted.

“They need to recognize this. We’ve articulated our stance as transparently as possible. Now, the ball is in their court, and they should refrain from challenging us.”

North Korea, known for its secretive nature and nuclear aspirations, conducted a significant nuclear test in the previous September, marking its fifth. The nation hasn’t signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, the universal prohibition on nuclear explosive tests.

The continuous tension on the Korean Peninsula underscores the importance of diplomatic dialogue and international unity in addressing nuclear threats. As nations stand divided on the right approach toward North Korea, the global community watches closely, hoping for resolutions that prioritize peace and stability. In the coming days, the decisions made by key stakeholders will play a pivotal role in shaping the future dynamics of this geopolitical hotspot.

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