White House Official Reveals Biden’s Meeting with Auto Union Leader Amid Looming Strike Threat

July 20, 2023
2 mins read

In the face of potential union strikes that could negatively impact the American economy and political scene, President Joe Biden held a brief meeting with the president of the United Auto Workers (UAW), Shawn Fain, on Wednesday, a White House official disclosed to CNN. The meeting occurred as negotiations were underway between the UAW and the “Big Three” US automakers – General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis.

Fain and other UAW leaders were at the White House to update senior staff about their stance, at which point Biden requested a personal meeting with Fain. This follows previous criticism from Fain concerning the administration’s support for the electric vehicle industry.

Contracts between the UAW and the Big Three are set to expire on September 14, leading to a potential strike that could be economically and politically catastrophic. However, each automaker has individual contracts, making a simultaneous strike against all three unlikely. In the past, strikes have typically involved one or two automakers at a time, if any.

Meanwhile, the Teamsters union has urged the White House to remain uninvolved in its ongoing negotiations with UPS, which also face a strike deadline later this month. These collective strike threats pose a significant economic risk, casting a shadow over Biden’s efforts to emphasize job growth, increased wages, and reduced recession fears.

Fain has publicly stated the UAW’s readiness to strike, indicating that close to 150,000 members are prepared to take action should the Big Three fail to meet their demands.

Negotiations between the UAW and the Big Three have seen minimal progress. Fain explicitly voiced his position to UAW members in a Facebook address, stating their readiness to strike if they don’t receive a fair deal. In a departure from tradition, Fain declined a public handshake ceremony with the Big Three.

Recognizing the potential seriousness of an auto strike, Biden has appointed Gene Sperling, a long-term trusted advisor, to be the administration’s representative in the negotiations. Sperling will closely collaborate with acting Labor Secretary Julie Su.

Biden, self-proclaimed as “the most pro-union president,” has already received several union endorsements for his 2024 reelection. However, the UAW has yet to extend its acceptance due to tensions regarding the administration’s backing of electric vehicle manufacturing. The union is dissatisfied with Biden’s financial support for the auto industry’s planned shift to electric vehicles, which could lead to lower-paying jobs and reduced labour hours.

Should a strike occur, the UAW’s opposition to governmental support for electric vehicles and its potential impact on jobs could spark political controversy for Biden, particularly in the crucial swing state of Michigan. The shift to electric cars has already been criticized by former President Donald Trump during his campaign stops in the state.

As the potential of a widespread auto workers’ strike looms, it brings significant political and economic implications, particularly given the strained relationship between the Biden administration and the UAW over the transition to electric vehicles. The response from the administration and the outcome of these negotiations will be closely watched, as it affects not only the livelihoods of thousands of union workers but also the direction of the American auto industry and its adoption of electric vehicles. A strike could add further challenges to Biden’s administration and sway sentiments in politically sensitive areas such as Michigan.

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