Innovative Real Estate: Art Collections Boost Luxury Home Sales

June 3, 2024
2 mins read

In the bustling world of luxury real estate, integrating art into property listings isn’t just a mere addition—it’s becoming a crucial selling point. Paul Lester, a pioneering real estate agent in Los Angeles, has revolutionized how high-end homes are marketed by including curated art collections within the properties. This novel approach elevates the appeal of these homes and significantly enhances their market value, offering buyers an enriched living experience from the moment they walk through the door.

Blurring the Lines Between Art and Living Spaces

During his tenure at a luxury real estate agency, Paul Lester transformed a Beverly Hills property viewing into an art exhibition, creating a dual opportunity for attendees to invest in real estate and fine art. “We were successful in selling the house, I would say, for a more valued number than you might expect because the entire package was seen as elevated,” Lester recounted to CNBC. This innovative strategy sold the property at a premium, and some of the art pieces were displayed, illustrating a successful blend of aesthetics and real estate acumen.

Significant Art in Significant Spaces

Over the years, Lester has committed to featuring significant contemporary art and designer furniture in his listed properties, a practice that extends beyond mere staging. Currently, he is handling several properties designed by the renowned Olson Kundig, incorporating a “full collection” of art available for purchase. This approach provides an immersive experience, allowing potential buyers to visualize their future homes as complete works of art.

The Rise of Turnkey Artistic Properties

The concept of “turnkey” properties, where everything inside the home is included in the sale, is gaining traction among luxury homebuyers. Lester notes the increasing preference for properties that offer a ready-to-live scenario. “There have been circumstances where people walk in and say, ‘I want this room … I’ll take the furniture and the art. I love it this way. Is that possible?’ And we can say ‘yes it is’,” he explained. This trend highlights a shift towards convenience and immediate satisfaction in property purchases.

Art That Complements and Enhances

David Knowles, founder of Artelier, stresses the importance of selecting artwork that complements the interior design of a home. “The art needs to feel like it belongs there,” Knowles pointed out, discussing the challenge of maintaining uniqueness in turnkey projects. His consultancy often commissions artwork that not only fits the aesthetic and dimensions of a property but also connects with the locale, adding a deeper level of personalization and appeal.

Integrating art collections in luxury real estate listings isn’t just an aesthetic choice—it’s a strategic enhancement that appeals deeply to affluent buyers looking for uniqueness and completeness in their investments. As Paul Lester and other industry experts continue to blend the worlds of art and real estate, they redefine luxury living and create a more compelling narrative for each property, making every sale an event of its own. This innovative approach enriches the buying experience and sets a new luxury real estate market standard.

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