Globetrotting on a Pension: Strategies I Use to Make Every Dollar Count

September 27, 2023
2 mins read

Many aspire to retire with dreams of globetrotting. However, escalating expenses and unexpected life challenges can make that dream seem far-fetched.

However, the reality is, that globetrotting post-retirement is entirely achievable. I spoke to Norm Bour, the brains behind Travel Younger, who embarked on a nomadic lifestyle with his wife in 2019. Since then, they’ve stamped their passports in 37 different countries.

Analyze Your Expenses

“While our travels cost us significantly less than our life in California did, we allocate about $2,500-$3,000 monthly,” shared Bour. “Although lodging eats up the biggest chunk, it’s still a fraction of what we used to pay for rent back in 2019.” The key? Thoroughly examining and optimizing living costs.

The notion of travelling post-retirement may feel out of reach due to current living expenses. To fuel your travel dreams, begin by scrutinizing and trimming unnecessary costs. Evaluate the financial implications of globetrotting versus maintaining your current lifestyle.

Trim Your Overheads

“Our vehicle? None. Our indulgences? Minimal. We splurge only on essentials – food, clothing, shelter, and travel,” Bour highlighted. Reducing overheads eases financial stress and unlocks the freedom to live on your terms.

Eyeing globetrotting during your sunset years? It might require foregoing certain luxuries now for more enriched experiences later. The choice might be between a new home or the adventures awaiting across seven continents.

Plan Smartly

Spontaneous trips can be fun but costly. The Bours, with their knack for snagging deals on airfares and accommodations, underscore the value of planning. A pinch of proactivity can stretch your pension quite a distance when roaming the globe.

Busting the Myth: Travel is a Rich Man’s Game

Reflecting on financial hardships, Bour confided, “Post the 2008 financial debacle, I never really bounced back. But at 62, with a steady Social Security income, life changed.” While that income might seem meagre in California, in many global locales, it’s nothing short of lavish. It’s a myth that wanderlust is reserved for the wealthy. With a dash of ingenuity, even modest retirees can satiate their travel cravings.

Smart Spending While Exploring

Here are a couple of Norm’s golden nuggets for pensioners with itchy feet:

Steer Clear of Tourist Hotspots

“We prioritize our expenditures, usually skipping the mainstream attractions, yet our quality of life remains unparalleled.” Avoiding peak seasons and touristy spots helps the Bours extract more from their travels.

Budget-Friendly Stays

With over 130 Airbnb stays, the Bours are all about striking a deal. Their strategy? Opt for extended stays to bag discounts and negotiate. A sample message Bour sends to potential hosts reads: “We’re seasoned travellers and love your place. However, we operate on a fixed budget. Would you consider a reduced price?”

Capitalizing on their stellar guest reviews, this method ensures they extract the most value while sticking to their budget.

Embrace the Adventure

Bour’s sage advice for retirees looking to emulate their journey? “Leave your comfort zone. Embrace the world out there.” The transition might be challenging, but the digital age ensures solutions are just a click away.

You don’t need a billionaire’s bank balance to see the world post-retirement. Countless individuals, just like you, are experiencing the world’s wonders on modest pensions. Remember, the essence of travel varies for everyone. Whether you lean towards luxury resorts or thrive on budget stays, ensure your travels resonate with your essence.

Travelling post-retirement isn’t just a luxury for the affluent; it’s a dream that can be achieved with careful planning, smart choices, and an adventurous spirit. Regardless of your savings, there’s a path that can lead you to new horizons, diverse cultures, and enriching experiences. Embrace the journey, and remember that the world has infinite adventures waiting for retirees willing to take that leap.

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