Overcoming the Fear of Running Out of Money in Retirement

May 31, 2023
3 mins read

Retirement should be a carefree and enjoyable time, but the looming financial concerns can cast a shadow of worry. Issues such as the uncertain future of Social Security, rising inflation, soaring healthcare costs, and market volatility can all contribute to the No. 1 fear among retirees—running out of money during retirement. This fear is pervasive, as indicated by numerous surveys conducted among retirees. However, there is a solution that can provide peace of mind and ensure a steady income stream, even in worst-case investment scenarios and when living well beyond life expectancy. By integrating income annuities into your retirement plan, you can alleviate the fear of financial insecurity and achieve your desired retirement lifestyle.

Maintaining a Steady Income:

While you may have some guaranteed income sources like Social Security, pensions, or annuity payments, unexpected expenses or economic downturns can disrupt your income plan. To prevent this, it is essential to prepare for potential challenges. By conducting thorough research and creating a well-designed plan, you can secure growing and guaranteed income throughout retirement, even in the face of worst-case scenarios. Moreover, such a plan can help you fulfill other financial objectives, including leaving a legacy or covering caregiver costs. Consider exploring the details of this approach and developing your personalized Go2Income plan.

The Importance of Conservative Withdrawal Rates:

Regarding retirement finances, the 4% rule of thumb for withdrawal strategies provides a starting point. However, it is crucial to recognize that individual circumstances vary, and a one-size-fits-all approach may not suit everyone. Factors such as life expectancy, risk tolerance, and portfolio composition can influence the sustainability of your income throughout retirement. Working with a financial adviser can help determine a withdrawal strategy tailored to your unique circumstances. Considering conservative withdrawal rates and adjusting them as necessary can ensure a steady income stream while protecting against potential downturns.

Understanding the Impact of Fear on Finances:

Even with substantial savings, the fear of running low on income significantly affects retirees’ spending habits, investment decisions, and overall financial well-being. Traditional spend-down plans that focus solely on the depletion of savings by a specific age often leave retirees dissatisfied, as the probability or run-out age may need to align with their expectations. The result is a skeptical attitude towards risk-reduction approaches or products that aim to maintain their desired lifestyle. Unfortunately, many financial firms do not offer risk-reduction products as part of their standard offerings, further fueling retirees’ concerns.

A Solution: Go2Income Planning with Annuities:

Considering the current market predictions and potential underperformance of long-term averages, it becomes crucial to find a solution that delivers a satisfactory amount of income and withstands worst-case scenarios. Go2Income planning offers such a solution by integrating various income annuities into your retirement plan. This approach provides a consistent and reliable income stream, even if the stock market remains stagnant for an extended period. By stress-testing your plan and evaluating the impact of income annuities, you can ensure income stability throughout your retirement.

Comparing Go2Income Plans:

To demonstrate the impact of income annuities, let’s examine a scenario where the stock market fails to grow for the entirety of your retirement. We’ll compare a Go2Income plan with allowances to one without annuities for a retiree, considering starting income, inflation growth, investment portfolios, and fees. The results show that the program with annuities never stops paying payments and provides a higher cumulative income and a positive portfolio value until age 95.

Furthermore, let’s consider a scenario where the stock market achieves an 8% total return. The comparison reveals equivalent cumulative income but a significant advantage in portfolio value for the plan with annuities. This example highlights that efficient income delivery through allowances leads to more excellent long-term portfolio value and legacy.

The Benefits of Plan “Insurance”:

The favourable results of the plan with annuities confirm the effectiveness of using them to “insure” your retirement plan. These income annuities ensure a continuous income stream and are priced favourably due to high-interest rates. Integrating them into your Go2Income plan maximizes their impact and provides added security. Stay tuned for an upcoming article that explores different ways to create an insured retirement plan.

By incorporating Go2Income planning with income annuities into your retirement strategy, you can overcome the fear of running out of money and achieve financial security. This approach offers a steady and growing income stream, even in challenging market conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Don’t let retirement finances keep you from enjoying your desired lifestyle—take control of your retirement and ensure a worry-free future.

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