The Three Ps: The Key Ingredients to an Enjoyable Retirement

July 12, 2023
2 mins read

What is your financial ‘principle’ as you approach the sunset years? Does your ‘preparation’ for retirement cater to your unique circumstances? What’s your ‘procedure’ for crafting the retirement you’ve always dreamed of?

As retirement looms, the thought of freedom and a life filled with activities like spending time with grandchildren, exploring the world, picking up new hobbies or relishing schedule-free days can be incredibly appealing.

Nonetheless, the unpredictability of the world can eclipse our retirement dreams. Fears of market instability, unclear future interest rates, persistent inflation, or even today’s social and geopolitical scenarios can become significant obstacles.

These anxieties are all too real for those on the brink of retirement or already retired. After years of toiling away, it’s natural to contemplate what’s next while wrestling with the uncertainty of the world around us. The effect of current events on our retirement – for better or worse – can be a source of stress and worry, particularly for those ill-prepared.

In such times, it becomes increasingly critical to comprehend three aspects – which I term as the three P’s of retirement – Principle, Preparation, and Procedure. These can serve as your launching pad while designing your ideal retirement plan:


Take time to contemplate and define your financial principle for your retirement years. If you have been saving diligently and managing your finances well, your retirement should not be centred around a disorganized collection of investments or insurance products. It should not hinge entirely on market gains for a satisfying retirement.

Instead, consider adopting a principle focused on preserving, distributing, and coordinating your assets. Avoid the pitfall of considering your investments, irrespective of their size, as a retirement plan. Your principle should encompass a holistic view of all financial aspects.


Regardless of circumstances, your retirement preparation must be individualized and tailored to your needs. Do not compromise by following standard retirement guidelines and outdated advice. Remember that the strategies for accumulating wealth differ substantially from those for preserving and distributing it. Many aspects of your finances, previously on “autopilot”, will now require a proactive and directed approach. This shift from “earning a living” to “crafting a retirement” demands a novel mindset and strategies.

Even popular notions like the 4% rule, a retirement income strategy conceived in the early 1990s, might not suit your needs. 

Other critical decisions that need to be personalized include:

  • When to start receiving Social Security benefits.
  • Choosing your pension options.
  • Implementing Roth conversions and tax strategies.
  • Utilizing financial tools like annuities and life insurance for income or estate planning.
  • Setting up an estate plan considering potential life scenarios.

Beyond what’s mentioned here, an extensive list of considerations about retirement should be personalized to ensure you get the retirement life you desire.


Once you’ve begun transitioning your mindset from “accumulation” to “preservation and distribution”, it’s time to define your procedure for executing retirement strategies to safeguard against diverse financial risks associated with aging.

Crafting your retirement “blueprint” shouldn’t feel daunting or perplexing. Trying to strategize for every retirement aspect, such as income, tax, health care, and estate planning, can seem overwhelming and might discourage necessary discussions. This often results in a myopic focus on familiar elements like investment accounts and market trends.

Creating your plan should be systematic, addressing each aspect individually. This will be less intimidating and encourage a comprehensive, holistic, coordinated retirement approach.

Choosing who will assist you through this labyrinth of decisions is crucial. You could take on the task yourself or consult with advisers who specialize in retirement planning. Remember that financial advisers, like physicians, can provide a general range of services or specialize in retirement planning. Ensure to research and understand your needs and preferences.

In an increasingly unpredictable world, take a moment to pause, regroup, and focus on these three P’s for a fantastic retirement!

Crafting a meaningful and fulfilling retirement plan amidst an uncertain world requires careful consideration and a targeted approach. The three P’s – Principle, Preparation, and Procedure – are crucial building blocks towards achieving this goal. With these in hand, you can navigate the complexities of financial planning and gain a retirement that is as enjoyable as secure. Remember, retirement is not just the end of a career but the beginning of a new journey. Equip yourself with the right mindset, strategies, and guidance to make the most of this exciting phase of life.

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