AI Chatbots in Healthcare May Perpetuate Racist Medical Ideas, Study Warns

October 20, 2023
1 min read

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare systems has promised to streamline medical processes, but a recent study led by researchers from Stanford School of Medicine has raised concerns about potential racial bias in popular AI chatbots.

While AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard are increasingly being used to assist healthcare providers in summarizing doctors’ notes and analyzing health records, the study warns that these chatbots may be perpetuating racist and debunked medical ideas. This has sparked worries that they could exacerbate health disparities, particularly for Black patients.

Racial Bias in AI Chatbots

The study revealed that AI chatbots, including ChatGPT and Google’s Bard, provided inaccurate information when asked medical questions related to Black patients. For instance, when questioned about skin thickness differences between Black and white individuals, the chatbots parroted back erroneous information on non-existent differences.

Similarly, when asked how to calculate lung capacity for a Black man, the chatbots offered false assertions about biological disparities that do not exist.

Real-World Consequences and Health Disparities

The perpetuation of such racial biases in AI chatbots can have tangible consequences. Medical providers’ biases, fueled by inaccurate AI information, have historically led to lower pain ratings for Black patients, misdiagnoses of health concerns, and recommendations for less relief. The study underscores that these biases could perpetuate long-standing health disparities experienced by Black individuals.

Industry Response and Ongoing Research

In response to the study, both OpenAI and Google have acknowledged the need to reduce bias in their AI models. They emphasize that chatbots should not be considered substitutes for medical professionals and that users should refrain from relying on them for medical advice. Furthermore, healthcare providers and technology companies are exploring the use of AI in clinical settings, with some tools already being piloted.

Stanford University is set to host a “red teaming” event in late October, bringing together physicians, data scientists, and engineers from companies like Google and Microsoft to identify flaws and potential biases in large language models used for healthcare tasks. This initiative highlights the commitment to improving the fairness and accuracy of AI tools in healthcare.

Ensuring Ethical and Equitable AI in Healthcare

While AI chatbots have shown promise in assisting healthcare providers, the study’s findings underscore the importance of addressing bias and inaccuracies in these models.

As the healthcare industry continues to embrace AI, it is crucial to prioritize fairness, equity, and safety to ensure that these tools do not perpetuate harmful stereotypes or exacerbate health disparities. The goal is to develop AI systems that not only streamline medical processes but also contribute to equitable and unbiased healthcare outcomes for all.

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