Pentagon’s Extensive Review Finds No Proof of Extraterrestrial Origins in UFO Reports

March 8, 2024
1 min read

In a recent thorough examination of decades’ worth of U.S. government investigations into UFO sightings, the Pentagon has determined that there is no substantiated evidence indicating that any of these sightings were linked to extraterrestrial beings. The review, led by the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), also concluded that there is no credible evidence supporting the notion that the U.S. government or private entities have ever possessed extraterrestrial technology that was covertly reverse-engineered.

The review encompassed U.S. government records dating back to 1945 and was prompted by renewed public interest in UFO sightings and their potential connection to extraterrestrial life. AARO’s investigation did not find verifiable evidence to support such claims and dismissed the existence of any alleged secret programs related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs) either as non-existent or as misidentified genuine national security programs unrelated to extraterrestrial technology exploitation.

The findings of AARO’s review were based on a thorough examination of both classified and unclassified U.S. government records pertaining to UFO incidents, including interviews with witnesses referred by Congress. The report, which spans 63 pages, provides a summary of every major U.S. government investigation into UFO incidents since 1945, including some investigations that were classified until recently.

The review revealed that a majority of earlier UAP sightings could be attributed to misidentifications of common phenomena and objects. In some instances, advancements in technology, such as the then-secret U-2 spy plane developed in the 1950s, were mistakenly identified as UAPs due to their classified nature.

Furthermore, the report highlights the role of misinformation and disinformation in shaping public perceptions of UFOs. It notes that the rapid dissemination of information via the internet has made it easier to spread false information and cautions against relying on internet search and content recommendation algorithms, which can reinforce individuals’ existing beliefs and biases.

Despite the lack of evidence supporting extraterrestrial origins in UFO sightings, AARO continues to investigate new reports of UAP incidents, with over 1,200 incidents currently under review. AARO is also working on developing a new portable real-time UAP sensor technology known as Gremlin, which could be deployed to national security sites where UAP incidents are reported.

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