Twitter Faces Criticism Over New Encrypted Messaging Feature, Experts Raise Concerns About User Safety

May 12, 2023
1 min read

Twitter’s latest introduction of an encrypted message feature has stirred controversy and skepticism among security and privacy experts.

While the social media giant aims to enhance user safety and become “the most trusted platform on the internet,” concerns have been raised regarding the limitations and potential risks associated with the new feature.

Initial Release Restrictions

In the initial release, encrypted messages are exclusively available to Twitter Blue subscribers and verified accounts. This limitation has drawn criticism, with many arguing that the feature should be accessible to all users as an essential security measure.

The encrypted messaging feature on Twitter only supports one-on-one conversations and does not extend to group chats. Additionally, media encryption is not currently supported, raising concerns about the vulnerability of shared images, videos, and other media content.

Accessibility to User Messages

Despite the introduction of encryption, both Twitter and third-party entities may still have potential access to user messages.

This revelation has further fueled doubts regarding the reliability of the feature and the privacy of users’ conversations.

Flaws in Encryption Implementation

Security experts have scrutinized Twitter’s encryption implementation and identified several flaws and risks. The lack of end-to-end encryption and the encryption being implemented at the conversation level have been highlighted as major shortcomings.

According to experts, this approach significantly undermines the security provided by encryption and renders it largely meaningless.

Calls for Improvement

Former Chief Information Security Officer of Twitter, who is no longer with the company, has urged the engineering team to address the shortcomings of the feature promptly.

The criticism from an internal security expert emphasizes the need for swift action to ensure the effectiveness and trustworthiness of Twitter’s encrypted messaging.

Elon Musk’s Response

Elon Musk, CEO of Twitter, responded to the criticism surrounding the new feature, advising users to “try it, but don’t trust it yet.”

Musk’s cautious statement reflects the acknowledgment of potential vulnerabilities and the need for further improvements.

False Sense of Security

Experts warn that Twitter’s encrypted messaging feature may give users a false sense of security, leading to the inadvertent sharing of sensitive information. With the limitations in place, it is crucial for users to exercise caution while utilizing this feature and remain mindful of potential privacy risks.

While Twitter’s introduction of encrypted messaging aims to enhance user safety and privacy, experts have raised valid concerns regarding the limitations and vulnerabilities of the feature. With encryption only available to a select group of users, lack of end-to-end encryption, and potential accessibility to user messages by Twitter and third parties, the implementation falls short of providing the level of security expected from such a feature.

As Twitter continues its mission to become the most trusted platform on the internet, addressing these concerns and improving the encryption implementation will be crucial to instill user confidence and ensure the protection of sensitive information.

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