Hamas Leader Breaks Silence with Letters from Hiding

September 13, 2024

In a rare move, Hamas political leader Yahya Sinwar, after almost a year of silence, has resurfaced through a letter addressed to Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. This letter underscores Sinwar’s unwavering commitment to resisting Israel and his support for the Iran-backed “Axis of Resistance,” a coalition of militant groups opposed to Israeli occupation.

Renewed Commitment to Resistance

Sinwar’s letter, made public through Hezbollah’s Telegram channel, highlights the leader’s dedication to the cause initiated by his slain predecessor, Ismail Haniyeh. He reaffirmed Hamas’ stance, stating the group’s loyalty to the “unity of the Ummah (Islamic nation)” and its mission to confront “the Zionist project.” This message of resistance comes in the wake of the October 8 escalation, where Hezbollah began fighting Israel one day after Hamas-led militants attacked Israel, igniting a brutal Israeli assault on Gaza.

Sinwar’s disappearance from public view since the war and his lack of communication for nearly a year has been speculated. His latest messages, however, assert his continued influence and leadership.

“I Am Still in Control”

In a recent statement, Muhammad Shehada, a writer and analyst from Gaza, interpreted Sinwar’s letter as a declaration of survival. “He’s trying to say I’m here, I’m alive, I’m very much in command. I’m constantly updated and aware of everything happening outside Gaza,” Shehada explained. According to Shehada, Sinwar is signaling to Israel and his adversaries that, despite their efforts, he is still operational on both the battlefield and diplomatic front.

The letters also appear to target skeptics within Hamas and international mediators such as Qatar, the U.S., and Egypt, who may question Sinwar’s ability to lead from hiding. Shehada further noted that Sinwar is “one of the strongest advocates of a stronger relationship with Hezbollah and Iran, and deepening the alliance with the Axis of Resistance.”

A Hardline Approach

Since succeeding Haniyeh, who was assassinated in Tehran, Sinwar has been seen as a more hardline leader in dealings with Israel. He continues to push for closer ties with Iran and Hezbollah, emphasizing the shared goal of expelling Israeli forces and establishing a fully sovereign Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Sinwar vowed in his letter to Nasrallah to continue defending Islamic holy sites, specifically the Al Aqsa Mosque, saying, “until the expulsion and eradication of the occupation from our land, and the establishment of our independent state with full sovereignty and its capital Jerusalem.”

Sinwar also praised the October 7 attack on Israel, referring to it as “one of the most honorable battles in the history of our Palestinian people,” further underscoring his dedication to what he sees as the path of resistance.

A Leader from the Shadows

As one of Israel’s most wanted men, Sinwar remains elusive, yet his recent actions signal a return to visibility, albeit from the shadows. His letters reflect an attempt to reassure allies and adversaries alike that his leadership remains intact and that Hamas will continue its fight.

Though his whereabouts remain unknown, Sinwar’s message is clear—his influence endures, and he is far from giving up the resistance.

Yahya Sinwar’s letters mark the return of a key figure in the ongoing conflict between Hamas and Israel. His statements to Nasrallah and others reflect a renewed commitment to resistance and emphasize his hardline stance, reinforced by closer ties to Iran and Hezbollah. As Hamas continues its efforts, Sinwar’s leadership from hiding will undoubtedly shape future developments in the region.

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