Massive Dam Collapse in Southern Ukraine Triggers Evacuations and Raises Ecological Concerns

June 6, 2023
1 min read

A significant dam and hydroelectric power plant in the Russian-occupied region of southern Ukraine experienced a catastrophic collapse on Tuesday, leading to widespread evacuations and concerns about potential large-scale devastation. Ukraine has accused Moscow’s forces of committing an act of “ecocide.” The Nova Kakhovka dam on the Dnipro River in Kherson suffered a breach, causing water to gush out. Here is what we currently know about this crisis.

Incident Details: Videos shared on social media and verified by CNN depicted the destroyed dam wall and the fast-moving torrents of water flowing into the river. The cause of the collapse, which occurred late Monday or early Tuesday, remains unclear. Satellite imagery analysis revealed that the dam had already sustained damage before its structural failure. Ukrainian and Russian officials have conflicting accounts, blaming each other for the explosion that led to the collapse.

Potential Consequences: The Nova Kakhovka dam is the largest reservoir in Ukraine in terms of volume, holding approximately 18 cubic kilometres of water, equivalent to the Great Salt Lake in Utah. Experts warn of extensive long-term ecological and environmental repercussions not only for Ukraine but also for neighbouring regions. The dam’s failure poses a severe flooding risk to multiple towns and cities downstream. Ukrainian authorities have ordered evacuations, and the situation is being closely monitored.

Impact on Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant: The damaged dam affects the area north of the reservoir, where water levels drop. The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, located upstream from the collapsed dam, relies on the pool for cooling water. However, authorities state that the plant has no immediate nuclear safety risk, as the primary cooling water line should last several more days.

Previous Damage and Battlefield Impact: The area surrounding the dam has been heavily contested since Russia’s invasion in February 2022. The dam previously suffered some damage during the liberation of Kherson by Ukrainian forces. This recent collapse is expected to impede the offensive actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, impacting the ongoing conflict.

Water Supply and the Crimean Peninsula: The Crimean peninsula, illegally annexed by Russia in 2014, has experienced water supply issues since Ukraine cut off its water supply. The canal connecting the reservoir to Crimea is expected to be affected, although Russian officials claim to have drinking water reserves to mitigate any disruptions.

The situation continues to evolve, and authorities are working to assess the extent of the damage and provide necessary aid and support to affected areas.

As the aftermath of the dam collapse in southern Ukraine unfolds, the focus remains on the widespread evacuations, potential ecological consequences, and the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia. The catastrophic event has raised concerns about the safety of downstream towns and cities, the impact on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, and water availability in the Crimean peninsula. Authorities continue monitoring the situation and supporting affected regions, highlighting the urgent need for international attention and assistance.

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