Putin and Kim Strengthen Alliance in Historic Visit

June 19, 2024

Vladimir Putin said Russia and North Korea have elevated their ties to a “new level,” pledging mutual assistance if either nation is attacked in a “breakthrough” partnership announced during the Russian president’s rare visit to the reclusive state.

A Warm Welcome

Thousands of North Koreans chanting “Welcome Putin” lined the city’s wide boulevards, waving Russian and North Korean flags and bouquets. This marked Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years, highlighted by a meticulously choreographed display of influence in the dictatorship.

A New Strategic Agreement

According to Russian state news agency TASS, the two leaders signed a new strategic partnership agreement to replace previous deals from 1961, 2000, and 2001. “The comprehensive partnership agreement signed today includes, among other things, the provision of mutual assistance in the event of aggression against one of the parties to this agreement,” Putin stated after the meeting. He also noted that the pact covers “political, trade, investment, cultural, and security spheres,” calling it a “truly a breakthrough document.”

Perception of Threats

Putin criticized joint drills involving the United States, South Korea, and Japan as “hostile” toward North Korea and described US policy as “confrontational.” Kim Jong Un, meanwhile, referred to the new “alliance” as a “watershed moment in the development of bilateral relations.”

Unanswered Questions

The agreement between the two autocrats raises several questions, including whether Russia’s nuclear deterrent now extends to North Korea and vice versa or whether the two nations will hold joint military drills.

A Grand Reception

At a welcome ceremony in Kim Il Sung Square in the heart of the North Korean capital, Putin was met with exuberant celebrations. The two leaders presented their respective officials and stood together as the Russian national anthem played before departing in an open-top limousine, smiling and waving to the crowds.

The Importance of the Relationship

This relationship is crucial for Russia. Multiple governments have accused Pyongyang of supplying arms to Moscow for its war in Ukraine, a charge both countries have denied despite significant evidence. During his visit, Putin gifted Kim an Aurus car and a tea set, although Kim’s gifts to Putin were not specified.

Historical Context

Putin landed in North Korea exactly 24 years after his last visit, signaling a deepening alignment between the two countries against shared hatred towards the West and international concerns over their growing military cooperation.

Unwavering Support

Kim expressed his “full support and solidarity with the struggles of the Russian government, military, and people,” specifically referring to Moscow’s war in Ukraine “to protect its own sovereignty, safety, and territorial stability.” Putin praised the ties between the two countries as based on “equality and mutual respect,” and expressed hope that Kim would visit Moscow for their next meeting.

International Concerns

The growing relationship has raised concerns in both Seoul and Washington, not only over North Korea’s arms transfers to Russia but also the prospect of Moscow transferring its superior military technology to aid Pyongyang’s heavily sanctioned weapons program.

Deep Ties

Putin’s last visit to Pyongyang in 2000, to meet Kim Jong Un’s late father Kim Jong Il, was significant. That trip made Putin the first Russian head of state to visit North Korea, marking a pivotal moment in the history of the two nations’ relationship, which dates back to Soviet efforts to install a communist government in North Korea in the late 1940s.

Putin’s recent visit to North Korea and the signing of a new strategic agreement mark a milestone in the relations between the two countries. This alliance, based on mutual assistance and cooperation across various spheres, reflects the growing alignment between Moscow and Pyongyang amidst tensions with the West and their respective internal and external struggles.

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