US Ambassador Accuses South Africa of Loading Arms onto Sanctioned Russian Vessel

May 11, 2023
3 mins read

According to local media, the US ambassador to South Africa alleged that the South African government had delivered weapons and ammunition to a Russian cargo vessel under sanctions. Ambassador Reuben Brigety II stated that the cargo ship docked at Simon’s Town naval base between December 6th and 8th, 2022, and it was believed that weapons and ammunition were loaded onto the vessel before it departed for Russia. The ambassador emphasized the seriousness of arming the Russians and called for South Africa to adhere to its non-alignment policy. These statements were reported by and Newzroom Afrika, a local news channel that attended the briefing.

The arrival of the mysterious cargo vessel named ‘Lady R’ at Simon’s Town near Cape Town in December last year raised significant speculation. Notably, cargo vessels typically dock at Cape Town’s civilian harbour rather than the naval base. Kobus Marais, an opposition member of parliament and shadow defence minister, demanded explanations from the government for the alleged overnight off-loading and loading of goods from the ship.

The Lady R was added to the sanctions list of the US Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control in May of the previous year, along with several other Russian-flagged cargo vessels, due to alleged weapons shipments.

South African government officials expressed disappointment with the allegations and warned they undermined the spirit of cooperation and partnership between the US and South African government officials. President Cyril Ramaphosa’s office released a statement stating no evidence was provided to support the allegations. The government announced its intention to establish an independent inquiry into the matter, adding that the US intelligence services had committed to sharing any evidence they possessed through this credible investigation.

The statement read, “We take the allegations seriously and want a credible independent voice to state the facts. Alternatively, we will be subject to a back-and-forth of accusations and denials, which will be detrimental to our bilateral relations.”

This is an unusual public accusation of the government by the US ambassador in South Africa.

Despite consistently abstaining from UN General Assembly votes condemning Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, South Africa has faced criticism. Even though the South African government has remained neutral during the conflict and advocated for a negotiated settlement, western nations have questioned their actions.

South Africa conducted naval war games in February of this year involving the Russian and Chinese military off its coast. Additionally, South Africa is scheduled to host the BRICS summit later this year, which brings together Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It has been announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will attend the summit.

The South African government’s commitment to the Rome Statute, which obligates signatory nations to arrest individuals indicted by the court, has been inconsistent. This inconsistency has been observed following Putin’s indictment for alleged war crimes in March. Despite having ideological links with Russia and the former Soviet Union, the African National Congress remains a significant trading partner compared to the European Union and the United States.

The accusations made by the US ambassador further strained the already delicate relationship between South Africa and the United States. The South African government faced mounting pressure to address these allegations promptly and transparently, considering the potential consequences for their bilateral relations with the US.

The controversy surrounding the docking of the Lady R cargo vessel at Simon’s Town naval base underscored the conflicting interests and challenges faced by South Africa in its foreign policy. The country had historically maintained close ties with Russia and the former Soviet Union due to ideological alignments, but its economic reliance on the European Union and the United States made it difficult to navigate geopolitical complexities.

The upcoming BRICS summit, where South Africa would host leaders from Russia, China, India, Brazil, and itself, added another layer of complexity to the situation. Despite the allegations and international criticism against him, the invitation extended to Russian President Vladimir Putin reflected South Africa’s commitment to maintaining diplomatic relations with crucial BRICS partners. However, this decision drew further scrutiny from Western powers and raised questions about South Africa’s stance on international justice and accountability.

With the presidency announcing an independent inquiry into the matter, South Africa sought to address the allegations comprehensively and establish the truth. The government emphasized the importance of a credible investigation and expressed willingness to cooperate with US intelligence services if evidence was provided. This approach aimed to avoid a prolonged exchange of accusations and denials, allowing for a transparent process to bring forth verifiable facts.

As the investigation unfolded, South Africa faced significant domestic and international pressure to demonstrate its commitment to upholding international norms and obligations. The country’s non-alignment policy and pursuit of a negotiated settlement in conflicts such as the situation in Ukraine were under scrutiny, raising questions about the consistency of its foreign policy positions.

The outcome of the independent inquiry would not only determine the veracity of the US ambassador’s accusations but also have far-reaching implications for South Africa’s credibility on the global stage. The government faced the delicate task of balancing its historical ties with Russia, its economic partnerships with Western powers, and the need to maintain a principled foreign policy stance.

The Lady R controversy served as a wake-up call for South Africa to reassess its international relationships and ensure its actions aligned with its stated principles. The government’s response to the allegations would shape its diplomatic relations, credibility, and reputation, both regionally and internationally.

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