GOP Legislators Condemn DOJ’s Plea Deal with Hunter Biden, Pledge Persistent Inquiry into President’s Son

June 20, 2023

The Department of Justice’s plea deal with Hunter Biden has met with strong disapproval from Republican representatives and senators. These GOP members argue that the charges against President Joe Biden’s son are a clear example of the DOJ’s misuse for political purposes.

The sentiment reflects how the GOP, especially those lawmakers who control the House and its committees, remain undeterred by the charges resulting from a five-year DOJ investigation initiated by a Trump-appointed attorney. These lawmakers insist on further investigating the Bidens.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy voiced his disapproval of the charges brought by a Trump-era attorney in an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju. McCarthy criticized the perceived disparity in justice when comparing Hunter Biden’s case with other individuals facing similar accusations in the US.

The idea that the Justice Department has been biased against conservatives forms the basis for the GOP’s defence of Trump and their approach to congressional investigations. This argument also supports their proposed budget cuts to the DOJ and FBI.

House Oversight Chairman James Comer accused the Justice Department of leniency towards Hunter Biden, stating that he received a mere “slap on the wrist.” Despite the charges, Comer, a Kentucky Republican who frequently mentions Hunter Biden in his committee, vows to continue investigating the Biden family’s foreign business dealings. House Republicans have yet to prove a direct link between these dealings and President Biden.

Comer stated, “We will not rest until the full extent of President Biden’s involvement in the family’s schemes is revealed.” McCarthy shared similar sentiments, stating that the recent DOJ action should support their investigation.

House GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik was the first House GOP leadership member to comment on the situation. Stefanik, a New York Republican, accused the DOJ under President Biden of politicization and leniency towards his son, pledging that House Republicans will relentlessly pursue exposure of any illegal activities by the Biden family.

Echoing these sentiments, Republican Senators, including Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and Tom Cotton of Arkansas, decried the DOJ charges against Hunter Biden as overly lenient.

Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio pointed to Hunter Biden’s deal as a reason for his decision to block Biden’s DOJ nominees until Attorney General Merrick Garland agrees to changes in prosecution policies.

The charges against Hunter Biden reignited allegations of DOJ politicization among the right wing of the House GOP, with many claiming that US Attorney David Weiss overlooked evidence in his investigation.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia labelled the DOJ “pathetic and weaponized.” Rep. Bob Good of Virginia accused Attorney General Garland of political bias. Rep. Darrell Issa of California referred to the plea deal as “only the first crack in the Biden corruption cover-up.” Rep. Andy Biggs of Arizona suggested the charges were distracting from a House Intelligence Committee hearing. He and others reiterated the GOP’s commitment to further investigations into the Biden family.

“Make no mistake, Hunter Biden’s plea deal today will not impede our investigations into him and the rest of the Biden Family,” Biggs tweeted. “They are not above the law.”

The plea deal between the Department of Justice and Hunter Biden continues to stir controversy, particularly among the House and Senate GOP members. With allegations of a biased DOJ, perceived leniency in the plea deal, and a commitment to uncover what they believe to be unchecked corruption, these Republicans are making clear their intent to keep investigating the Biden family. As this political drama unfolds, only time will tell what impact these investigations may have on the Biden administration and its future endeavours.

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