Empowering Democracy in Indonesia and Colombia

April 17, 2024
2 mins read

In the ever-evolving realm of global democracy, technology stands out as a pivotal force driving empowerment and involvement, especially among young people and marginalized groups. Recent endeavors in Indonesia and Colombia offer compelling insights into how innovative strategies are reshaping the socio-political dynamics of these countries.

Indonesia: Embracing Tech for Political Awareness

In Indonesia, a vibrant democracy with a staggering 107 million eligible voters, the issue of youth participation in politics is a pressing concern. Despite comprising over half of the voting populace, only a mere 8% of young Indonesians claimed to be politically engaged during the 2024 elections.

Recognizing this disparity, Andhyta Firselly Utami, a former environmental economist, took action by establishing “Bijak Memilih” (Vote Wisely). This initiative aimed to bridge the gap by offering accessible and pertinent political education, particularly targeting the youth, to empower them to make informed decisions at the polls.

Utami and her team utilized a blend of technology, social media platforms, and offline gatherings to disseminate easily digestible information, incorporating memes and current trends to capture the audience’s attention. Their efforts yielded significant results, drawing in 1.4 million unique website visitors aged between 17 and 40. Additionally, 29% of participants expressed heightened optimism about Indonesian politics, while 41% of first-time voters expressed a desire for deeper political engagement.

Global Insights and Obstacles

The success of initiatives like Bijak Memilih underscores the critical importance of accessible information and cross-generational collaboration in nurturing a robust democracy. Utami advocates for similar endeavors on a global scale, particularly in nations with substantial youth populations, to enhance comprehension of electoral behavior and encourage civic involvement.

However, challenges persist, particularly in regions of the Global South. Transparency and the availability of substantive information remain significant hurdles, as nations like Indonesia grapple with an overwhelming influx of information, often dominated by viral social media content that can obscure essential issues and influence voter choices.

Colombia: Amplifying Women’s Voices in the Amazon

Meanwhile, amidst the lush landscapes of Colombia’s Amazon region, technology is playing a pivotal role in amplifying the voices of women who have long been sidelined from political and social discourse. Since the signing of the peace deal with FARC guerrillas in 2016, women-led organizations have surged in prominence.

Leading the charge is sociologist Lorena Romero Leal, who has been delving into the emergence of indigenous and non-indigenous women’s groups in the Colombian Amazon. Her research culminated in the development of a ‘geoviewer,’ spotlighting over 50 indigenous women’s organizations and groups participating in the “Women Caregivers of the Amazon” project.

The geoviewer serves as a potent instrument for shedding light on the often-overlooked contributions of women to the social, cultural, and environmental tapestry of the Amazon region. By mapping out these organizations, Leal aims to empower women and garner greater acknowledgment of their pivotal roles in shaping the future of the Amazon.

Towards Inclusive Democracies

The cases of Indonesia and Colombia vividly demonstrate the immense potential of technology in democratization and social transformation. Through the harnessing of digital tools and grassroots initiatives, countries can uplift marginalized voices, engage young people, and cultivate a more inclusive political terrain.

Nevertheless, obstacles persist, ranging from the imperative for enhanced transparency and information accessibility to the challenge of overcoming entrenched apathy and disengagement. Nonetheless, with steadfast commitment and innovative approaches, the vision of vibrant and inclusive democracies seems attainable, one initiative at a time.

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